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 342 items in 35 pages
IDStart Date TitleDescriptionType
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 342 items in 35 pages
3838451/1/1902ZOOM - Special Services Staff MeetingSpecial Services Department MeetingOnline Course
3106452/21/2022PPR and T-TESS Growth through INSPIREA Canvas course with 73 modules focusing on Buildi...Online Course
3838003/12/2024ELDT - ENTRY LEVEL DRIVER TRAINING Entry-Level Driver Training for NEW Bus Driv...Online Course
4170845/15/2024On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Introducing the Icons of Depth and Complexity in Differentiating Instruction for G/T StudentsThank you for choosing to complete this one-hour o...Online Course
4170855/15/2024On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Perfectionism and the GT StudentThank you for choosing to complete this one-hour o...Online Course
4170885/15/2024On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Kaplan's Icons of Depth and Complexity: Applying the Icons of ACROSS THE DISCIPLINES and MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES to Content and Instruction to Differentiate Instruction for G/T StudentsThank you for choosing to complete this one-hour o...Online Course
4170905/15/2024On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Intellectual Overexcitabilities and the GT StudentThank you for choosing to complete this one-hour o...Online Course
4170955/15/2024On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Psychomotor Overexcitabilities and the GT StudentThank you for choosing to complete this one-hour o...Online Course
4170595/15/2024On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Asynchronous Development and the GT StudentThank you for choosing to complete this one-hour o...Online Course
4170605/15/2024On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration in PsychologyThank you for choosing to complete this one-hour o...Online Course
ZOOM - Special Services Staff Meeting
383845 Online Course
Special Services Department Meeting

PPR and T-TESS Growth through INSPIRE
310645 Online Course
A Canvas course with 73 modules focusing on Building Teacher Practices and Developing SEL Capacity.

383800 Online Course
Entry-Level Driver Training for NEW Bus Drivers

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Introducing the Icons of Depth and Complexity in Differentiating Instruction for G/T Students
417084 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Perfectionism and the GT Student
417085 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began this la...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Kaplan's Icons of Depth and Complexity: Applying the Icons of ACROSS THE DISCIPLINES and MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES to Content and Instruction to Differentiate Instruction for G/T Students
417088 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Intellectual Overexcitabilities and the GT Student
417090 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Psychomotor Overexcitabilities and the GT Student
417095 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Asynchronous Development and the GT Student
417059 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration in Psychology
417060 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Emotional Overexcitabilities and the GT Student
417062 Online Course
Welcome! Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options beg...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Imaginational Overexcitabilities and the GT Student
417063 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Sensual Overexcitabilities and the GT Student
417067 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: What is Twice Exceptionalism 2E in the G/T World?
417068 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: The Social/Emotional Needs of GT Students
417069 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late s...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Gifted and Talented Students At Risk--Possible Causes and Suggestions for Accommodation
417070 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late s...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Using Choice Boards for Differentiating Instruction for GT Students
417071 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Kaplan's Icons of Depth and Complexity: Applying the Icons of DETAILS and RULES to Content and Instruction to Differentiate Instruction for G/T Students
417072 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Kaplan's Icons of Depth and Complexity: Applying the Icons of ETHICS and BIG IDEAS to Content and Instruction to Differentiate Instruction for G/T Students
417073 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Kaplan's Icons of Depth and Complexity: Applying the Icons of PATTERNS and TRENDS to Content and Instruction to Differentiate Instruction for G/T Students
417074 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T Pick-Six: Kaplan's Icons of Depth and Complexity: Applying the Icons of UNANSWERED QUESTIONS and CHANGE OVER TIME to Content and Instruction to Differentiate Instruction for G/T Students
417075 Online Course
Thank you for choosing to complete this one-hour online course. The "PICK SIX" options began late sp...

On Demand: G/T School Year 2024-25: Day 4-Creative and Critical Thinking
417098 Online Course
In this online course, participants will learn about the cognitive, social, and emotional characteri...

On Demand: G/T School Year 2024-25: Day 3-Differentiated Instruction
417099 Online Course
The purpose of this online course is that it will not only contribute to the GT 30 hour requirement ...

On Demand: G/T School Year 2024-25: Day 2-Identification and Assessment
417100 Online Course
In this online course, participants will learn to assess for identification, assess for student grow...

On Demand: G/T School Year 2024-25: Day 1-Nature and Needs
417101 Online Course
In this online course, participants will learn about the cognitive, social, and emotional characteri...

On Demand: G/T School Year 2024-25: Day 5-Adding Depth and Complexity
417097 Online Course
The purpose of this online course is that it will not only contribute to the GT 30 hour requirement ...

Online Annual Dyslexia Continuing Education Canvas Course
426756 Online Course
Per 19 TAC 74.28(e), 232.11; TEC 21.045(b) Ongoing training about dyslexia to educators to ensure th...

Highly Qualified Paraprofessional Course
431976 Online Course
This online training is offered as a self-paced, Canvas course for paraprofessionals to meet Highly ...

On-Demand: National Board Certification Overview
456337 Online Course
This six hour course will give you the necessary information about what it takes to become a Nationa...

On Demand TCMPC Platform Overview
451482 Online Course
This On-Demand session is designed to give participants an overview of the new TCMPC platform. We wi...

On-Demand Math: The Rekenrek
453260 Online Course
This self-paced, on-demand course introduces the Rekenrek as a powerful math tool to build and stren...

Online Course: Enhancing Collaboration between Dyslexia Therapist and Diagnosticians
460512 Online Course
This online canvas course is designed to foster improved communication and collaboration between dys...

Commodity Preorder Workshop
454156 - 02/07/2025 Professional Development
Training for Commodity Processing Pre-Orders

Virtual PD - WBSCM - Ordering Lab
449670 - 02/07/2025 Virtual PD
Participants will get an opportunity for hands on assistance with their Orders in WBSCM.

2025 Region 8 Vendor Showcase - IMRA Cycle 1 - RLA/SLAR
457067 - 02/10/2025 Conference
It is that time again! The upcoming K-5 RLA and SLAR adoption for the 2025-2026 school year is upon...

Making the ELPS-TELPAS Connection
420640 - 02/10/2025 Professional Development
This training will familiarize teachers and campus/district administrators with how the English Lang...

Virtual PD - WBSCM - Ordering Lab
449708 - 02/11/2025 Virtual PD
Participants will get an opportunity for hands on assistance with their Orders in WBSCM.

MTSS Leadership Series - Part 2 - Creating the Assessment Plan
450137 - 02/11/2025 Virtual PD
District or Campus leaders, this is for you! MTSS is designed to help schools identify struggling...

Back To Basics Series
454914 - 02/11/2025 Virtual PD
Join us for the Back to Basics series, designed to strengthen foundational skills and knowledge for ...

Social Studies: A Focus on 11th Grade U.S. History Content for the Fourth Six or Nine Week Grading Period (Civil Rights Movement, A New Century, Ever-Changing America)
416397 - 02/11/2025 Professional Development
This workshop will focus on 11th Grade U.S. History content for the fourth grading period, both six ...

2025 Region 8 Vendor Showcase - IMRA Cycle 1 - MATH
457575 - 02/12/2025 Conference
It is that time again! The upcoming K-12 MATH adoption for the 2025-2026 school year is upon us. Re...

G/T Day 5: Adding Depth and Complexity (TPSP) for G/T Students
419300 - 02/12/2025 Professional Development
This workshop fulfills Day 5 of the state mandated five-day, 30-hour gifted and talented training fo...

Preparing for a TEA Dyslexia Cyclical Review
446595 - 02/12/2025 Virtual PD
All Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in the state will participate in a cyclical review of their dysl...

VIRTUAL PD: Navig8 Accountability
435707 - 02/12/2025 Virtual PD
Zoom sessions that address a variety of topics on accountability issues important for school distric...

443095 - 02/12/2025 Virtual PD
Monthly live update call with the Food Directors.

Social Studies: A Focus on 8th Grade U.S. History Content for the Fourth Six or Nine Week Grading Period (Civil War and Reconstruction)
416391 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development
This workshop will focus on 8th Grade U.S. History content for the fourth grading period, both six -...

All Words Want to be Sight Words When They Grow Up! #orthographicmapping
427041 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development
Contrary to popular belief, children do not "memorize" words in order to build their sight vocabular...

Using Data to Create an Instructional Focus
420270 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development
You've completed your benchmarks and have assessment data from first semester. How do you use this ...

Why Prioritize Mental and Behavior Supports?
420431 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development
Join us as we establish the need for student mental health and behavior support. We will dive into...

Virtual PD - EB Support Monthly Touch Point
447068 - 02/13/2025 Virtual PD
This virtual meeting is intended for Bilingual, ESL, and Title III district leaders. During these me...

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Training
359968 - 02/13/2025 Training
The AHERA regulations require public school districts and non-profit schools to: Perform an o...

WBSCM - Ordering Lab
449716 - 02/13/2025 Professional Development
Participants will get an opportunity for hands on assistance with their Orders in WBSCM.

: Designing Effective & Ethical Evaluation for Students Who Speak Languages in Addition to English
426024 - 02/14/2025 Virtual PD
This session will cover strategies for collecting and interpreting data when evaluating students wh...

School Bus Driver 20-hour Certification Safety Training
454906 - 02/17/2025 Professional Development
State mandated school bus driver safety training.

TEA CTE Fundamentals for Counselors: Effective Advising for CTE
452688 - 02/17/2025 Professional Development
Effective Advising for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs will help prepare counselors...

Bluebonnet Learning Instructional Material(s) Transition Plan
454769 - 02/17/2025 Professional Development
Are you planning on adopting Texas Bluebonnet Learning Instructional Materials? Texas Education Code...

449750 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

Texas OER Teacher Collaborative
415451 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development
Participants will receive implementation and internalization support during this session. This colla...

Navig8 Accountability: Special Education
417249 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development
How do students served through Special Education fit into the state accountability system? Learn ho...

STAAR Alt 2: Administration Overview and Practice for Test Administrators
426435 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development
Join us as we take an in-depth look at the STAAR Alternate 2 manual. Participants will review test ...

504 Quarterly Connection #3
432696 - 02/18/2025 Virtual PD
Join our quarterly connection with attorney Rhonda Crass for 504 hot topics, conversations, and netw...

Research: Getting Up Close and Personal with Complex Texts
418961 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development
Using the Close Read instructional strategy, teachers can provide multiple opportunities to deepen s...

Virtual PD - School Counselor Connections Network
425946 - 02/18/2025 Virtual PD
This will be a series of periodic 1- hour long meetings for school counselors.

Jet - A Fast-Paced Dyslexia Reading Intervention
449932 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development
Jet: A Fast Paced Reading Intervention for students with Dyslexia is a one-year curriculum written b...

Texas OER Teacher Collaborative
415270 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development
Participants will receive implementation and internalization support during this session. This colla...

NSLP Financial Coding and Financial Reporting Requirements + Financial Report Lab Time with Zoom
449833 - 02/19/2025 Virtual PD
This session will assist you in understanding financial account code structure and how to make the c...

Standards Based Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Training
420503 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development
The intent of this training is to provide participants with an understanding of the SB IEP process f...

Virtual PD - CACFP Participant Eligibility & Enrollment
449745 - 02/19/2025 Virtual PD
Participants will be able to identify enrollment requirements associated with the CACFP. Participan...

STAAR Alt 2: Administration Overview and Practice for Test Administrators
426436 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development
Join us as we take an in-depth look at the STAAR Alternate 2 manual. Participants will review test ...

Curriculum Directors' Meeting
401808 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

Texas OER Teacher Collaborative
415448 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development
Participants will receive implementation and internalization support during this session. This colla...

Virtual PD TexQuest
448178 - 02/19/2025 Virtual PD
TexQuest provides access to authoritative digital resources for educators, students, and students' i...

Food Co-Op Meeting-Purchasing and Procurement 2410,2420,3320,3330,2450
427346 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development
Food Co-Op Meeting-Purchasing and Procurement 2410,2420,3320,3330,2450

Texas OER Teacher Collaborative
415271 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development
Participants will receive implementation and internalization support during this session. This colla...

Exploring Digital Resources: Discovery Education and TexQuest
416310 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development
Explore two digital resources that can change your classroom by increasing student engagement and si...

VIRTUAL PD: Recruiting, Hiring and Retaining Effective Staff
417041 - 02/20/2025 Virtual PD
Did you know that almost fifty percent of teachers leave education by the fifth year? Join us for th...

TEA CTE Deep Dive: Planning for a Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Program
452690 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development
Planning for a Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Program allows participants to learn ...

TSIA 2.0 Prep & Review: Here's How You Do It in a Classroom
451175 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development
CCMR has received a new spotlight under the newest Accountability Reset. Many administrators of all...

Active Engagement In The Classroom Series
450698 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development
Join us for in-person sessions of the Design of Multiple Means of Engagement, Representation, and Ac...

Virtual PD-Intentional Literacy Leadership
456228 - 02/20/2025 Virtual PD
Calling all administrators, curriculum directors and other campus leaders dedicated to developing st...

Virtual PD - TANS for SNP
449900 - 02/21/2025 Virtual PD
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

Virtual PD: Dyslexia Therapist/Teacher Quarterly Meeting
417258 - 02/21/2025 Virtual PD
Join together as we create a collaborative community where we learn from each other. The open discu...

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
450650 - 02/21/2025 Professional Development
Outside of the student's home, schools are the most likely place where mental health concerns will b...

ABCs of Developmental Disability
448197 - 02/25/2025 Virtual PD
Are you eager to gain a deeper understanding of Developmental Delay and assessment techniques? Join ...

Teachers are Magic: Using AI to Support You and Your Students
456184 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development
MagicSchool is a user-friendly platform that supports educators with over 60 AI-powered tools design...

Texas OER Teacher Collaborative
415450 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development
Participants will receive implementation and internalization support during this session. This colla...

CEP + CEP Report Lab
449935 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development
Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the CEP, originating from the Healthy, Hunger...

Social Studies: Update on 2025 8th and 11th Grade STAAR for Instruction and Implementation
419499 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development
This workshop will focus on the latest updates on the new question types for the 8th and 11th grade ...

National Board Teacher Certification Work Day
454775 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development
This event is intended to give National Board Certified Teacher Candidates dedicated time and space ...

6-8 New Science TEKS Cohort: EVOO: Ecosystems, Variation, Organisms, and Organization
420347 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development
In this collaborative session, teachers will engage in Life Science unit resources and labs. Once ca...

TSVI/COMS News and Networking
417736 - 02/25/2025 Virtual PD
Let's do lunch.... Don't miss this opportunity to network with fellow TSVIs and COMS. Grab a sandw...

DHH News & Networking
417159 - 02/25/2025 Virtual PD
DHH News & Networking offers opportunities for TODHH to meet virtually and discuss current topics re...

STAAR Alt 2: Administration Overview and Practice for Test Administrators
426437 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development
Join us as we take an in-depth look at the STAAR Alternate 2 manual. Participants will review test ...

Elevating Autism Evaluations: A Team-Based Approach to Best Practices
450955 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development
This workshop is designed to enhance the quality and efficiency of autism evaluations by fostering a...

Library-Book Study
453259 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development
Come together to discuss and reflect the book we have selected for this year. Make sure to highligh...

Social/Emotional/Behavioral Munch-n-Mingles
454031 - 02/26/2025 Virtual PD
Managing difficult student behaviors can be tough and you can begin to feel as if you are all alone....

Texas OER Teacher Collaborative
415263 - 03/03/2025 Professional Development
Participants will receive implementation and internalization support during this session. This colla...

Spotlight on Science: Ecosystems Changes
420418 - 03/03/2025 Professional Development
Join us for this SOS session that will spotlight teaching the NEW TEKS in grades 3-5 science that ...

Bluebonnet Learning Instructional Material(s) Transition Plan
454771 - 03/03/2025 Professional Development
Are you planning on adopting Texas Bluebonnet Learning Instructional Materials? Texas Education Code...

Iowa Assessments: Essential Training for Texas EB Reclassification
454245 - 03/03/2025 Virtual PD
This session will equip you with the knowledge and skills to confidently administer the Iowa Assessm...

RLA Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) K-12
452284 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development
This session will cover an introduction to the RLA Research Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) an...

STAAR Alt 2: Administration Overview and Practice for Test Administrators
457671 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development
Join us as we take an in-depth look at the STAAR Alternate 2 manual. Participants will review test ...

Virtual PD - Student Support Groups in Counseling
454745 - 03/04/2025 Virtual PD
Student support groups are an effective Tier 2 school counseling intervention. Through group counse...

504 Coffee & Conversations
419407 - 03/04/2025 Virtual PD
Join us as we network, collaborate and learn about 504... with a cup of coffee! Sometimes being in ...

461168 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development
HB 984 requires schools with an RN or LVN to have at least one unlicensed diabetes care assistant an...

Rite Flight - Reading Rate & Comprehension Intervention
455096 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development
Rite Flight: A Classroom Reading Rate Program is a curriculum written by the staff of the Luke Waite...

CEP + CEP Report Lab
449936 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development
Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the CEP, originating from the Healthy, Hunger...

Lead4Ward STAAR Rockin' Review
456124 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development

Lunch and Learn with Diagnosticians and ARD Facilitators in March 2025
415530 - 03/04/2025 Virtual PD
Lunch and Learn with fellow Evaluators and ARD Facilitators. Join us from 1:00 pm to 2:00pm for an h...

Food Production Records
450053 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development
This course will provide basic principles for completing production records to be compliant with fed...

Virtual PD - Leadership M.A.T.T.E.R.S. Power Hour
420101 - 03/05/2025 Virtual PD
This will be a series of monthly power hours for campus leaders

Brewing Creativity: Painting with Coffee and Tea
457668 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development
Explore the art of painting using coffee and tea! In this hands-on workshop, educators will learn ho...

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
411962 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

Multiple Genres: Collaborating Around Complex Text, Grades 3-5
416401 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development
In Reading, students analyze a variety of texts in different genres for a variety of purposes. In wr...

Virtual PD - Texas Dyslexia Academy 1: Dyslexia Foundations
452889 - 03/06/2025 Virtual PD
Texas Dyslexia Academy Module 1: Dyslexia Foundations is the the first of seven training opportunit...

TEA CTE Fundamentals: CTE Resources
452695 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development
The CTE Resources module provides an overview of many key components of CTE programs—time, ...

AI & RLA: Your New Teaching Sidekick!
458238 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development
Ready to make your teaching life a little easier? Join us for a dynamic and hands-on session where y...

Transition Meeting
450572 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development
Welcome all Transition Employment Designees (TEDs), Transition Specialists, and all that need Transi...

Building Strong Numeracy Foundations PK-First Grades
456056 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development
This hands-on session is designed to strengthen early math skills in PK–1st grade students. Ex...

Counselor Network
427019 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development
The Counselor Network provides school counselors with opportunities to network and discuss best prac...

450051 - 03/07/2025 Professional Development
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

Texas OER Teacher Collaborative
415264 - 03/10/2025 Professional Development
Participants will receive implementation and internalization support during this session. This colla...

Virtual PD - TANS for SNP
450050 - 03/11/2025 Virtual PD
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

MTSS Leadership Series - Part 3 - MTSS in Relation to other Programs
450139 - 03/11/2025 Virtual PD
District or Campus leaders, this is for you! MTSS is designed to help schools identify struggling...

Back To Basics Series
454918 - 03/11/2025 Virtual PD
Join us for the Back to Basics series, designed to strengthen foundational skills and knowledge for ...

NEW State & Federal Directors Training
424223 - 03/12/2025 Professional Development
NEW State & Federal Program Directors will receive an in-depth overview of State & Federal requireme...

Virtual PD - TANS for CACFP
450098 - 03/14/2025 Virtual PD
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

Food Co-Op Meeting-Purchasing and Procurement 2410,2420,3320,3330,2450
427347 - 03/17/2025 Professional Development
Food Co-Op Meeting-Purchasing and Procurement 2410,2420,3320,3330,2450

Business Manager Networking
426849 - 03/18/2025 Professional Development
Business Manager Networking

443099 - 03/18/2025 Virtual PD
Monthly live update call with the Food Directors.

Bilingual Research Centers and Specialized Vocabulary Enrichment Training
454882 - 03/19/2025 Professional Development
This two-day session will provide teachers who are implementing the Gomez & Gomez dual-language mode...

SFSP - In Person
450115 - 03/19/2025 Professional Development
Training provides audience with USDA program regulations and information regarding important program...

VIRTUAL PD: Navig8 Accountability
435708 - 03/19/2025 Virtual PD
Zoom sessions that address a variety of topics on accountability issues important for school distric...

Virtual PD - Texas Dyslexia Academy Module 2: State Dyslexia Handbook
452937 - 03/20/2025 Virtual PD
Texas Dyslexia Academy Module 2: State Dyslexia Handbook is the second of six training opportunitie...

Games Galore
417015 - 03/20/2025 Professional Development
For Prekindergarten Teachers

Comprehensive Child and Adult Meal Pattern Requirements Training & Civil Rights Training
439135 - 03/21/2025 Professional Development
This Comprehensive Child and Adult Meal Pattern Requirements training features the updated requireme...

Zoom - Public Funds Investment Training
431536 - 03/24/2025 Virtual PD
Zoom - Public Funds Investment Training

Newly Certified Diagnosticians and ARD Facilitators- Build Your Toolbox Part 3
411967 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development
The 4-part series are full day sessions, in person, for newly certified Educational Diagnosticians a...

Integrated Pest Management Coordinator Training
411184 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development
This course meets the requirements outlined by the Texas Structural Pest Control Services for traini...

TEA CTE Deep Dive: Program Evaluation
452697 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development
CTE Program Evaluation provides essential knowledge for CTE leaders to expand their CTE programs ...

Charting the Course for Student Success: Managing Change and Setting Vision
417036 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development
As a campus administrator having the skills to manage complex change is critical. In this workshop w...

TSVI/COMS News and Networking
417745 - 03/25/2025 Virtual PD
Let's do lunch.... Don't miss this opportunity to network with fellow TSVIs and COMS. Grab a sandw...

DHH News & Networking
417160 - 03/25/2025 Virtual PD
DHH News & Networking offers opportunities for TODHH to meet virtually and discuss current topics re...

Virtual PD-Curriculum Directors Meeting
401824 - 03/26/2025 Virtual PD
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

Virtual PD - CACFP LIVE - CACFP & SFSP Financials and Allowable Expenses
450120 - 03/26/2025 Virtual PD
This course covers essential financial management principles, procurement procedures, and guidelines...

Preparing for a TEA Dyslexia Cyclical Review
446597 - 03/26/2025 Virtual PD
All Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in the state will participate in a cyclical review of their dysl...

Empowering Community Engagement in FCS and CTE
448107 - 03/26/2025 Professional Development
Presenter: Dr. Cindy Miller This interactive workshop will provide FCS & CTE educators with strat...

6-12 Creating a Habitat for Habit-Writing in Science
420344 - 03/26/2025 Professional Development
Are your students struggling with SCR: Short Constructed Response? Join us as we engage and model re...

Virtual PD - CACFP LIVE - CACFP & SFSP Procurement - Bids, Plans, RFPs, and Quotes
450126 - 03/27/2025 Virtual PD
This course provides comprehensive guidance on the procurement process for CACFP participants. It co...

Virtual PD - EB Support Monthly Touch Point
447069 - 03/27/2025 Virtual PD
This virtual meeting is intended for Bilingual, ESL, and Title III district leaders. During these me...

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
454534 - 03/28/2025 Professional Development
Outside of the student's home, schools are the most likely place where mental health concerns will b...

Building Campus-Wide Positive Behavior Systems (for Campus Principals)
420317 - 03/31/2025 Professional Development
This 2-day training will provide your campus behavior team with tools necessary to build and impleme...

Unlocking the Power of Cross-Battery Assessment With Robert Misak
451021 - 03/31/2025 Professional Development
This comprehensive workshop is designed to equip school psychologists , educational diagnosticians a...

Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership SERIES - with ZOOM
450140 - 04/01/2025 Virtual PD
This is a training intended for new and aspiring school nutrition program directors with five y...

School Bus Driver 8-hour Recertification Safety Training
458281 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development
State mandated recertification safety training to maintain bus driver certification.

Meeting the Needs of Newcomer Emergent Bilingual Students
449416 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development
This session is for teachers who have newcomer emergent bilingual students in their classroom at th...

Analyzing and Interpreting Scores Using Cross Battery with Robert Misak
451024 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development
This workshop is designed to equip educational diagnosticians, school psychologists and other educat...

Secondary Science Vocabulary Word Walls
448773 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development
Science is a language of its own and can often be difficult for all students to fully understand. ...

Elementary Science Vocabulary Word Walls
448772 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development
Science is a language of its own and can often be difficult for all students to fully understand. ...

Virtual PD - Leadership M.A.T.T.E.R.S. Power Hour
420102 - 04/02/2025 Virtual PD
This will be a series of monthly power hours for campus leaders

Essential Key Performance Indicators for School Nutrition
450144 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development
The purpose of this training is to provide school nutrition professionals with an easy-to-use refere...

Behavior Lifesaver Series: Helping Students with Significant Behavior and Mental Health Challenges
454027 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development
Join this session to have a better understanding of DSM V diagnoses and Emotional Disabilities. We ...

Let's Get Moving
417021 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development
For Prekindergarten Teachers

LPAC End of Year
420642 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development
This session will provide updated information for the End of Year LPAC process and program requireme...

TEA CTE Deep Dive for Counselors: Informed and Ongoing Career Advising for Middle School and High School Counselors
452698 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development
Experienced School Counselor Module 1: Informed and Ongoing CTE Advising for Middle School and Hi...

Preparing for a TEA Dyslexia Cyclical Review
446599 - 04/03/2025 Virtual PD
All Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in the state will participate in a cyclical review of their dysl...

Bilingual/ESL Program Coordinators' Meeting
420644 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development
This session will provide Bilingual/ESL program coordinators with the most recent guidance from the ...

ECI News & Networking
441820 - 04/03/2025 Virtual PD
Join us as we meet with our ECI counterparts to discuss current topics and strengthen our partnersh...

Virtual PD - LPAC End of Year
451062 - 04/04/2025 Virtual PD
This session will provide updated information for the End of Year LPAC process and program requireme...

Virtual PD - TANS for CACFP
450145 - 04/07/2025 Virtual PD
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

Back To Basics Series
454920 - 04/08/2025 Virtual PD
Join us for the Back to Basics series, designed to strengthen foundational skills and knowledge for ...

Virtual PD - School Counselor Connections Network
425949 - 04/08/2025 Virtual PD
This will be a series of periodic 1- hour long meetings for school counselors.

Social/Emotional/Behavioral Munch-n-Mingles
454032 - 04/08/2025 Virtual PD
Managing difficult student behaviors can be tough and you can begin to feel as if you are all alone....

Virtual PD - TANS for SNP
450373 - 04/09/2025 Virtual PD
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

Transition: Financial Planning and Understanding Benefits
450561 - 04/09/2025 Professional Development
Financial planning and understanding benefits for people with disabilities is often a challenge for ...

Virtual PD - CACFP LIVE - State Wide SFSP Training PART 1
450371 - 04/09/2025 Virtual PD
Day 1 of 2. Online statewide ESC collaboration SFSP training for CACFP.

TEA CTE Fundamentals: Partnerships
452701 - 04/09/2025 Professional Development
Partnerships are a key component of successful CTE programs. In this module, participants will ex...

450375 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

Virtual PD - Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students
452887 - 04/10/2025 Virtual PD
Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students is the third of six trainin...

TEA CTE Deep Dive: Program Expansion
452703 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development
Program Expansion will equip CTE leaders with resources and best practices to inform CTE program ...

Virtual PD - CACFP LIVE - State Wide SFSP Training PART 2
450374 - 04/10/2025 Virtual PD
Day 2of 2. Online statewide ESC collaboration SFSP training for CACFP.

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
411963 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

NTSBA (Spring)
403068 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development
School Board Training

MTSS Leadership Series - Part 4 - Your MTSS Plan
450141 - 04/15/2025 Virtual PD
District or Campus leaders, this is for you! MTSS is designed to help schools identify struggling...

Ethics with Nicole Price
448201 - 04/16/2025 Virtual PD
Elevate Your Leadership with Ethics: A Workshop with Nicole Price, LSSP,NCSP Join us for an enlight...

Virtual PD-Curriculum Directors Meeting
401815 - 04/16/2025 Virtual PD
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

Diversity with Nicole Price, LSSP,NCSP
448204 - 04/16/2025 Virtual PD
We are excited to announce an upcoming workshop led by renowned diversity and inclusion expert, Nico...

Food Co-Op Meeting-Purchasing and Procurement 2410,2420,3320,3330,2450
427348 - 04/17/2025 Professional Development
Food Co-Op Meeting-Purchasing and Procurement 2410,2420,3320,3330,2450

TEA CTE Fundamentals: Program Design
452706 - 04/17/2025 Professional Development
The Program Design module will allow participants to use a design-thinking mindset to develop CTE...

Virtual PD-Intentional Literacy Leadership
456229 - 04/17/2025 Virtual PD
Calling all administrators, curriculum directors and other campus leaders dedicated to developing st...

Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership SERIES - with ZOOM
450376 - 04/22/2025 Virtual PD
This is a training intended for new and aspiring school nutrition program directors with five y...

TEA CTE Fundamentals for Counselors: CTE Programs—An Infrastructure for College, Career, and Military Readiness
452707 - 04/22/2025 Professional Development
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs – An Infrastructure for College, Career, and ...

TSVI/COMS News and Networking
417750 - 04/22/2025 Virtual PD
Let's do lunch.... Don't miss this opportunity to network with fellow TSVIs and COMS. Grab a sandw...

DHH News & Networking
417161 - 04/22/2025 Virtual PD
DHH News & Networking offers opportunities for TODHH to meet virtually and discuss current topics re...

Virtual PD - Texas Dyslexia Academy 4 - Child Find through the ARD Committee Process
452894 - 04/23/2025 Virtual PD
Texas Dyslexia Academy 4: Dyslexia: from Child Find through the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (AR...

Virtual PD: CTE Administrative & Leadership Quarterly Update
438487 - 04/23/2025 Virtual PD
CTE Leadership (Directors, Coordinators, Lead Teachers, etc.) are invited to attend these meetings. ...

443100 - 04/23/2025 Virtual PD
Monthly live update call with the Food Directors.

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
458164 - 04/25/2025 Professional Development
Outside of the student's home, schools are the most likely place where mental health concerns will b...

Designing Effective & Ethical Intervention for Students Who Speak Languages in Addition to English
426055 - 04/25/2025 Virtual PD
In this session, participants will discuss a range of intervention designs including in-direct, dir...

450377 - 04/28/2025 Professional Development
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support t...

Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership SERIES - with ZOOM
450378 - 04/29/2025 Virtual PD
This is a training intended for new and aspiring school nutrition program directors with five y...

504 Quarterly Connection #4
432700 - 04/29/2025 Virtual PD
Join our quarterly connection with attorney Rhonda Crass for 504 hot topics, conversations, and netw...

Core-Selective Evaluation: Unraveling the Data
451008 - 04/29/2025 Professional Development
Presented by Dr. Tammy Stephens This intensive workshop is designed to equip participants with the ...

State & Federal Programs Directors Training
424221 - 04/30/2025 Professional Development
Training opportunity for new and experienced State & Federal Program personnel. Topics will include...

Being Unique is Our Superpower: Autism in the Inclusion Setting Part 3 in Series
445379 - 04/30/2025 Professional Development
Part 3: Practical Tools and Resources Participate in a hands-on workshop to create and take h...

Time and Effort Reporting
424222 - 04/30/2025 Professional Development
This session focuses on federal time and effort reporting requirements. Learn to identify which empl...

NSLP Seamless Summer Option + Application Lab
450381 - 05/01/2025 Professional Development
Learn about the SSO program, from administration to meal patterns, in this introductory class. Tak...

Switches: Developing Communication for Students with Complex Access Needs and/or Visual Impairments
426444 - 05/01/2025 Professional Development
Learn how students with complex access needs and/or visual impairments can use switches for learning...

Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership SERIES - with ZOOM
450379 - 05/06/2025 Virtual PD
This is a training intended for new and aspiring school nutrition program directors with five y...

TEA CTE Deep Dive for Counselors: Planning for Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Advising
452708 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development
Experienced School Counselor Module 2: Planning for Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readine...

412540 - 05/06/2025 Virtual PD
Join the Lead Evaluation Advisory Panel for a work group to problem-solve common issues related to e...

Active Learning - An Instructional Approach for Students with Visual Impairment or Significant Cognitive Disabilities
443296 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development
Active Learning is an instructional approach that can be used with all learners, but is most effecti...

450382 - 05/07/2025 Professional Development
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

Lunch and Learn with Diagnosticians and ARD Facilitators May 2025
415532 - 05/07/2025 Virtual PD
Lunch and Learn with fellow Evaluators and ARD Facilitators. Join us from 1:00 pm to 2:00pm for an h...

Virtual PD - TANS for SNP
450383 - 05/08/2025 Virtual PD
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

Virtual PD - Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia
452913 - 05/08/2025 Virtual PD
Texas Dyslexia Academy 5: Screening for Dyslexia focuses on the universal screening process for dysl...

TEA CTE Deep Dive: Supporting CTE Teachers
452709 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development
Supporting CTE Teachers provides an overview of strategies used in the recruitment and retention ...

Transition Meeting
450573 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development
Welcome all Transition Employment Designees (TEDs), Transition Specialists, and all that need Transi...

Business Manager Networking
426850 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development
Business Manager Networking

Bliss Tactile Symbols: Another Tool for your AAC Toolbox
426079 - 05/09/2025 Virtual PD
Bliss tactile symbols are a new generation of tactile symbols that are brought together through the...

Introduction to School Nutrition Leadership SERIES - with ZOOM
450391 - 05/13/2025 Virtual PD
This is a training intended for new and aspiring school nutrition program directors with five y...

Preparing for a TEA Dyslexia Cyclical Review
446600 - 05/13/2025 Virtual PD
All Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in the state will participate in a cyclical review of their dysl...

Virtual PD - TANS for CACFP
450384 - 05/14/2025 Virtual PD
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support the a...

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
411966 - 05/14/2025 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

443101 - 05/14/2025 Virtual PD
Monthly live update call with the Food Directors.

Virtual PD - CACFP LIVE: The Administrative Review (AR) Process for CACFP
450390 - 05/15/2025 Virtual PD
This course is designed to assist personnel responsible for managing the operational, financial, ...

Virtual PD - EB Support Monthly Touch Point
447070 - 05/15/2025 Virtual PD
This virtual meeting is intended for Bilingual, ESL, and Title III district leaders. During these me...

Virtual PD - CACFP LIVE - CACFP Sponsor Responsibilities & Monitoring
450389 - 05/15/2025 Virtual PD
Statewide virtual training for CACFP's.

450392 - 05/16/2025 Professional Development
TANS stands for Texas Automated Nutrition System. It is a web-based system designed to support t...

Virtual PD: Dyslexia Therapist/Teacher Quarterly Meeting
417264 - 05/16/2025 Virtual PD
Join together as we create a collaborative community where we learn from each other. The open discu...

Virtual PD- LPAC End Of Year Guidance & Procedures
420643 - 05/16/2025 Virtual PD
This required training will provide guidance for LPACs End of Year and required Bilingual Summer Sch...

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
460284 - 05/16/2025 Professional Development
Outside of the student's home, schools are the most likely place where mental health concerns will b...

TExES ESL Supplemental (154) Test Prep
426916 - 05/20/2025 Professional Development
This 2 day training will prepare teachers seeking to take the TExES ESL Supplemental (154) exam. Par...

Back To Basics Series
454922 - 05/20/2025 Virtual PD
Join us for the Back to Basics series, designed to strengthen foundational skills and knowledge for ...

TSVI/COMS News and Networking
417756 - 05/20/2025 Virtual PD
Let's do lunch.... Don't miss this opportunity to network with fellow TSVIs and COMS. Grab a sandw...

DHH News & Networking
417162 - 05/20/2025 Virtual PD
DHH News & Networking offers opportunities for TODHH to meet virtually and discuss current topics re...

Curriculum Directors' Meeting
401826 - 05/21/2025 Professional Development
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

Virtual PD - Texas Dyslexia Academy 6: Dysgraphia
452935 - 05/22/2025 Virtual PD
Texas Dyslexia Academy 6: Dysgraphia provides educators with foundational information about dysgraph...

Excess Net Cash Resources and How to Complete and Submit the Spend Down Plan
450395 - 05/22/2025 Professional Development
Implementing an array of internal controls is vital when managing a nonprofit school food service ac...

Meal Appeal
450411 - 05/22/2025 Professional Development
Enhance your understanding of school nutrition wit our comprehensive course on meal appeal. Dive dee...

504 Coffee & Conversations
419411 - 05/27/2025 Virtual PD
Join us as we network, collaborate and learn about 504... with a cup of coffee! Sometimes being in ...

A Blueprint for Success: Building an Effective Advising System
458550 - 05/27/2025 Professional Development
This comprehensive session will equip participants with the knowledge and tools to create a robust a...

School Bus Driver 8-hour Recertification Safety Training
460442 - 05/28/2025 Professional Development
State mandated recertification safety training to maintain bus driver certification.

RLA RBIS 1 & the 'How To'!
452896 - 05/28/2025 Professional Development
The RLA Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) represent the most significant changes needed...

Food Co-Op Meeting-Purchasing and Procurement 2410,2420,3320,3330,2450
427524 - 05/29/2025 Professional Development
Food Co-Op Meeting-Purchasing and Procurement 2410,2420,3320,3330,2450

RLA RBIS 3 & the 'How To' some more!
452900 - 05/29/2025 Professional Development
The RLA Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) represent the most significant changes needed...

School Bus Driver 8-hour Recertification Safety Training
460446 - 06/02/2025 Professional Development
State mandated recertification safety training to maintain bus driver certification.

Campus Leadership Summit
420246 - 06/02/2025 Professional Development
Campus leaders please join us for the Campus Leadership Summit. This Summit allows structured oppo...

School Bus Driver 20-hour Certification Safety Training
460454 - 06/03/2025 Professional Development
State mandated school bus driver safety training.

AEL (Advancing Educational Leadership)
416661 - 06/03/2025 Professional Development
Advancing Educational Leadership Advancing Educational Leadership is a state developed training d...

TExES Test Prep- Core Subjects EC-6 (391)
457222 - 06/04/2025 Professional Development
This course will cover each of the five content areas: ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science and Fine A...

Building YOUR Thinking Classroom in Math: Getting Started (Toolkit #1)
459085 - 06/04/2025 Professional Development
The primary concern relayed to us by teachers today is that students don't know how to think. That ...

Virtual PD: CTE Administrative & Leadership Quarterly Update
438491 - 06/04/2025 Virtual PD
CTE Leadership (Directors, Coordinators, Lead Teachers, etc.) are invited to attend these meetings. ...

TExES Test Prep- PPR(160) EC-12
457246 - 06/05/2025 Professional Development
A comprehensive training for teachers who are ready to take the TExES Teacher Certification Exam and...

On-Demand Diving Into the NEW Elementary Science TEKS
426090 Online Course
This on-demand online session will offer teachers an opportunity to take a deep dive into the NEW El...

Mathematics Achievement Academy Grade 4
446673 - 06/10/2025 Professional Development
Participants will: - examine the grade 4 TEKS based on learning progressions & critical check...

Standards Based Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Training
420555 - 06/10/2025 Professional Development
The intent of this training is to provide participants with an understanding of the SB IEP process f...

Successful Tools for conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) and building a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
458379 - 06/11/2025 Professional Development
Participants will be introduced to a best practices approach for conducting a Functional Behavior As...

Transition Services: The Top Ten Effective Practices
458381 - 06/12/2025 Professional Development
This session provides a smorgasbord of transition topics for transition specialists, diagnosticians,...

Virtual PD - EB Support Monthly Touch Point
447071 - 06/12/2025 Virtual PD
This virtual meeting is intended for Bilingual, ESL, and Title III district leaders. During these me...

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
460287 - 06/13/2025 Professional Development
Outside of the student's home, schools are the most likely place where mental health concerns will b...

T-PESS Texas Principal Evaluation Support System
416854 - 06/16/2025 Professional Development
Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (T-PESS) is open to administrators who will be impleme...

Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process: Implications for Evaluation Personnel
458553 - 06/16/2025 Virtual PD
The intended audience for this training is special education evaluation personnel, including school...

A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor
457090 - 06/16/2025 Professional Development
In this session, participants will understand the critical components of the IEP. As part of this...

Standards-Based Individualized Education Program (SB IEP) Process: Implications for Administrators
458554 - 06/16/2025 Virtual PD
The intended audience for this training is administrators who participate as members of the admissi...

School Bus Driver 8-hour Recertification Safety Training
460477 - 06/17/2025 Professional Development
State mandated recertification safety training to maintain bus driver certification.

Mathematics Achievement Academy Grade 5
446675 - 06/17/2025 Professional Development
Participants will: - examine the grade 5 TEKS based on learning progressions & critical check...

Back To Basics Series
454923 - 06/17/2025 Virtual PD
Join us for the Back to Basics series, designed to strengthen foundational skills and knowledge for ...

School Bus Driver 20-hour Certification Safety Training
460481 - 06/18/2025 Professional Development
State mandated school bus driver safety training.

Mathematics Achievement Academy Grades K-1
446672 - 06/18/2025 Professional Development
Participants will: examine the grade K & 1 TEKS based on learning progressions & critical c...

Early Childhood Summer Conference 2025
458713 - 06/18/2025 Conference
Step into a magical world of learning at the Summer 2025 Early Childhood Conference, where Prekinder...

Writing Starts Here: Teaching Strong Writing Skills in K-2
450667 - 06/18/2025 Professional Development
Early writing instruction has a profound impact on a student's future success as a writer. In this w...

Psychological First Aid for Schools
460265 - 06/19/2025 Professional Development
PFA-S is an evidence-informed intervention model to assist students, families, school personnel, and...

Unlocking Voices through Writing: The Overlooked AAC Tool
426083 - 06/20/2025 Virtual PD
Writing, beyond handwriting, is a complex communication process that is learned and shaped over tim...

Hidden in Plain Sight- Recognizing Autism in Females
460670 - 06/23/2025 Virtual PD
This workshop will explore the unique challenges in diagnosing autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in fem...

T-TESS (Texas Teacher Evaluation & Support System) Appraisal Training
416660 - 06/23/2025 Professional Development
Participants will be trained as a Certified T-TESS Appraiser for the Texas-Teacher Evaluation and Su...

Mathematics Achievement Academy Grade 3
446681 - 06/23/2025 Professional Development
Participants will: examine the grade 3 TEKS based on learning progressions & critical...

The Fundamentals of Welding and Industrial Certification
450999 - 06/24/2025 Professional Development
This two-day session will be presented by Rich DePue. Successful completion of both days will allow...

Making Sense of Secondary Math
456109 - 06/24/2025 Professional Development
CRA (Concrete - Representation - Abstract) is an instructional approach that we've heard for years a...

Behavior Lifesavers Series: Managing Anger and Aggression
458382 - 06/24/2025 Professional Development
Welcome to a five-part series on evidence-based approaches to common mental health struggles of our ...

Mathematics Achievement Academy Grade 2
446682 - 06/24/2025 Professional Development
Participants will: examine the grade 2 TEKS based on learning progressions & critical check...

Virtual PD - School Counselor Connections Network
425958 - 06/24/2025 Virtual PD
This will be a series of periodic 1- hour long meetings for school counselors.

Choosing the Right Cognitive & Achievement Assessments for Student Evaluations
458548 - 06/25/2025 Professional Development
In this interactive session, we'll dive deep into the manuals of cognitive and achievement assessmen...

Building YOUR Thinking Classroom in Math: Changing Your Teaching Practices (Toolkit 2)
459093 - 06/30/2025 Professional Development
If you have already begun the Building Thinking Classrooms journey, you are likely ready to take the...

Behavior Book Club: The Boy Raised as a Dog
458384 - 06/30/2025 Professional Development
This book study will include a free copy of The Boy Raised as a Dog. Although it has heavy content ...

School Bus Driver 8-hour Recertification Safety Training
460460 - 07/07/2025 Professional Development
State mandated recertification safety training to maintain bus driver certification.

School Bus Driver 8-hour Recertification Safety Training
460463 - 07/08/2025 Professional Development
State mandated recertification safety training to maintain bus driver certification.

Back To Basics Series
454925 - 07/08/2025 Virtual PD
Join us for the Back to Basics series, designed to strengthen foundational skills and knowledge for ...

School Bus Driver 20-hour Certification Safety Training
460469 - 07/09/2025 Professional Development
State mandated school bus driver safety training.

Standards Based Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Training
420559 - 07/09/2025 Professional Development
The intent of this training is to provide participants with an understanding of the SB IEP process f...

Keeping Kids in Class: Solutions for Teachers and Principals to Combat Discipline Removals
458386 - 07/10/2025 Virtual PD
Attend this session to explore campus-wide and classroom-specific practices to increase time stude...

Ethical Assessment and Management of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders in the School Setting
426089 - 07/11/2025 Virtual PD
Providing safe and adequate nutrition during the school day falls under the purview of the license ...

Autism 101: Understanding and Supporting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
461222 - 07/14/2025 Professional Development
This workshop is designed to provide a foundational understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ...

Operational Overload
420521 - 07/14/2025 Professional Development
The first day with staff and students will be here before you know it. Come join your administrativ...

Math Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) K-12
454919 - 07/17/2025 Professional Development
This session will cover an introduction to the Math Research Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) a...

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
460365 - 07/18/2025 Professional Development
Outside of the student's home, schools are the most likely place where mental health concerns will b...

School Bus Driver 20-hour Certification Safety Training
460496 - 07/21/2025 Professional Development
State mandated school bus driver safety training.

SLO Overview
416852 - 07/21/2025 Professional Development
This session provides district and campus administrators an overview of the Student Growth Measure -...

A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor
457099 - 07/21/2025 Professional Development
In this session, participants will understand the critical components of the IEP. As part of this...

Poverty Simulation
426880 - 07/21/2025 Professional Development
Poverty is a reality for many individuals and families. But unless you've experienced poverty, it's...

Social Studies: A Day With the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum
450886 - 07/25/2025 Professional Development
Region 8 ESC is proud to bring the Dallas Holocaust Museum to northeast Texas. The DHC brings world...

TExES ESL Supplemental (154) Test Prep
457767 - 07/29/2025 Professional Development
This 2 day training will prepare teachers seeking to take the TExES ESL Supplemental (154) exam. Par...

New Educational Diagnostician & ARD Manager Training: A 4-Part Series
461722 - 07/29/2025 Professional Development
This 4-part professional development series that is designed for new Educational Diagnosticians and ...

National Board Teacher Certification: Ready. Set. Go.
460502 - 07/30/2025 Professional Development
This session will prepare teachers for the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards certifi...

School Nurse Update
458321 - 08/01/2025 Professional Development
Annual workshop of basic information for school nurses and school health services with updates and ...

Back To Basics Series
454931 - 08/06/2025 Virtual PD
Join us for the Back to Basics series, designed to strengthen foundational skills and knowledge for ...

A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor
461531 - 08/12/2025 Professional Development
In this session, participants will understand the critical components of the IEP. As part of this...

Virtual PD - ESPERANZA Dyslexia Program
458349 - 08/18/2025 Professional Development
Training will be held virtually and will be presented by Valley Speech. Training will not be record...

Virtual PD - WELLS3 Working with English Language Learners and Dyslexia
458345 - 08/20/2025 Professional Development
Training will be held virtually and will be presented by Valley Speech. Training will not be recorde...

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
457715 - 08/20/2025 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training
460366 - 08/22/2025 Professional Development
Outside of the student's home, schools are the most likely place where mental health concerns will b...

LIDS - New Teacher Series
461556 - 08/26/2025 Professional Development
Join us for this interactive and engaging series designed specifically for teachers and paraprofess...

Training for Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment (TPBA)
461306 - 09/03/2025 Professional Development
This training is designed specifically for evaluation personnel—such as educational diagnostic...

A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor
461535 - 09/09/2025 Professional Development
In this session, participants will understand the critical components of the IEP. As part of this...

443106 - 09/09/2025 Virtual PD
Monthly live update call with the Food Directors.

Curriculum Directors' Meeting
455957 - 09/16/2025 Professional Development
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

Task Box Workshop: Create & Take Engaging Learning Activities for Your Classroom
461555 - 09/23/2025 Virtual PD
Join us for an exciting professional workshop on the Task Galore Series by Laurie Eckenrode, Pat Fen...

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
457716 - 09/24/2025 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

Hut Hut! Tackling STAAR Alternate 2 Starts in the Fall
461557 - 09/30/2025 Professional Development
STAAR Alternate 2 is administered each Spring but planning should begin in the Fall. Join us as we ...

Virtual PD-Curriculum Directors Meeting
455964 - 10/14/2025 Virtual PD
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor
461540 - 10/14/2025 Professional Development
In this session, participants will understand the critical components of the IEP. As part of this...

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
457717 - 10/15/2025 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

District/Campus Testing Coordinator Assessment Training
447612 - 10/21/2025 Professional Development
This training is a required training for all first-year district testing coordinators (DTC) and Camp...

District/Campus Testing Coordinator Assessment Training
447613 - 10/22/2025 Professional Development
This training is a required training for all first-year district testing coordinators (DTC) and Camp...

Zoom - Public Funds Investment Training
447802 - 10/22/2025 Virtual PD
Zoom - Public Funds Investment Training

Curriculum Directors' Meeting
455976 - 11/12/2025 Professional Development
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
457718 - 12/04/2025 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

Virtual PD-Curriculum Directors Meeting
455977 - 01/13/2026 Virtual PD
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor
461541 - 01/20/2026 Professional Development
In this session, participants will understand the critical components of the IEP. As part of this...

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
458144 - 01/21/2026 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor
461542 - 02/10/2026 Professional Development
In this session, participants will understand the critical components of the IEP. As part of this...

STAAR Alt 2: Administration Overview and Practice for Test Administrators
461548 - 02/17/2026 Professional Development
Join us as we take an in-depth look at the STAAR Alternate 2 manual. Participants will review test ...

Curriculum Directors' Meeting
455985 - 02/18/2026 Professional Development
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

STAAR Alt 2: Administration Overview and Practice for Test Administrators
461552 - 02/18/2026 Professional Development
Join us as we take an in-depth look at the STAAR Alternate 2 manual. Participants will review test ...

STAAR Alt 2: Administration Overview and Practice for Test Administrators
461550 - 02/24/2026 Professional Development
Join us as we take an in-depth look at the STAAR Alternate 2 manual. Participants will review test ...

STAAR Alt 2: Administration Overview and Practice for Test Administrators
461551 - 02/25/2026 Professional Development
Join us as we take an in-depth look at the STAAR Alternate 2 manual. Participants will review test ...

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
458145 - 03/05/2026 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

Virtual PD-Curriculum Directors Meeting
456007 - 03/25/2026 Virtual PD
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
458146 - 04/09/2026 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

Virtual PD-Curriculum Directors Meeting
456009 - 04/15/2026 Virtual PD
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

Curriculum Directors' Meeting
456010 - 05/20/2026 Professional Development
Join us as we share updates from Austin as well as relevant updates in the areas of curriculum, inst...

Special Ed Directors Monthly Workshop
458147 - 05/21/2026 Professional Development
Training for district and SSA special education directors on compliance, special education law, and ...

Region 8 Education Service Center | 4845 US Highway 271 N | Pittsburg TX 75686 | 903-572-8551 | Map/Directions

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