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On Demand: G/T School Year 2024-25: Day 5-Adding Depth and Complexity

The purpose of this online course is that it will not only contribute to the GT 30 hour requirement but provide participants with an understanding of Depth and Complexity with a variety of strategies that can be implemented in their classroom. Along with a newfound understanding of the Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP).
Today, we will look at Depth and Complexity through the lens of the eight elements of depth: Language of the Discipline, Details, Patterns, Trends, Rules, Ethics, Unanswered Question, and Big Ideas (Concepts). Participants will contribute to the discussion boards, share their own experiences, and research related information. This workshop is aligned to the Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) teaching standards for Gifted Education and the combined standards set forth by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). This workshop meets Texas state requirements for G/T training in Differentiated Instruction of gifted/talented students. 

Important Session Information:

Registration ends at 12:00 AM on Saturday, May 31, 2025

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) Contact Hours
(6) CPE
(6) G/T
Seats Available:
$600.00 (Login to See CO-OP Pricing)
Contact Person:
Lindsey Boyett
Steven Hammons
Date Location
(Saturday, May 18, 2024 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM) Online Location Site, Online Location Site, Online Location
Region 8 Education Service Center | 4845 US Highway 271 N | Pittsburg TX 75686 | 903-572-8551 | Map/Directions

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