This session provides counselors with the opportunity to examine how strong CTE programs can support all students as they prepare for postsecondary success. Participants will explore the components of approved CTE programs of study, including coursework, work-based learning opportunities, and industry-based certifications, and understand how these relate to the individual planning components of a comprehensive counseling program. Participants will review the relationship of CTE and programs of study to federal and state legislation (including Perkins V, HB5 - Endorsements, HB3 - Outcomes Bonus Funding, and SB179 - Counseling Duties) and other initiatives. At the conclusion of this module, participants will have a deeper understanding of the value of CTE programs and be better equipped to work with administrators to create the local infrastructure for CCMR driven by data. (NOTE: This module is aligned with the Data-Driven Decision Making and Program Design modules for administrators)
This content is a repeat from prior sessions. No new content has been added by TEA.