Law Related Education is the educational arm of the Texas Bar Association. Among other amazing services they provide, LRE coordinates the Texas State Citizen Bee. Their website is an amazing resource for social studies teachers.
LRE is bringing world-class training to Region 8 this coming summer, focusing on teaching the "tough" TEKS. Participants will gain content-related insight, learn about proven strategies, and participate in collaborative experiences. This two-day training hopes to make your students' learning experiences more engaging, meaningful, and relevant.
During the two days, eighth grade teachers will work together, and eleventh grade teachers will work together. Teachers in these two tested grade levels will benefit greatly in bringing new ideas and activities to their students.
This workshop totals 12 hours of professional development credit, spread out over two days, both June 5 and 6. Participants are required to attend both days to receive credit.
LRE will be providing lunch for both days. And, there will be tons of resources to take with you.