Upon completion of the class participants will be able to:
1. Evaluate the impact that an allergic reaction incident may have on a school.
2. Describe a food allergy, its symptoms, and treatment methods.
3. Identify the nine major food allergens.
4. Distinguish between food allergy and food intolerance.
5. Demonstrate how to find the nine major food allergens in the ingredient statement on the food
6. Describe how to find allergens in the ingredient statement on the food label that are not among
the nine major, are in bulk items, or are in USDA Foods.
7. Describe the procedures for reading ingredient statements.
8. Define cross-contact.
9. Examine how cross-contact may occur in a school nutrition program.
10. Develop strategies for preventing cross-contact.
11. Describe methods for accommodating and supporting students with food allergies.
12. Determine strategies to manage food prepared and served outside of the cafeteria.